The only observation is that we cannot overuse the exact term. When a page receives a lot of exact match links, that can trigger a search Business Email List engine alert about a possible tampering attempt . partial correspondence Ex.: You know everything about SEO techniques To avoid using only exact matching, you can use partial matching. In this case, the anchor Business Email List text includes the keyword along with other terms that also inform the subject of the page for Google. In this way, the link turns out to be more natural. long tail Example: You know Business Email List everything about optimization techniques for search engines (SEO) This is also a type of partial correspondence.
The difference is that the anchor text is longer with the use of other terms. In this way, the landing page is strengthened in the positioning Business Email List for more specific searches. Imagine someone searching Google for the Business Email List terms in this example. They are much more specific than just "SEO" and therefore there is also less competition. However, it is Business Email List important not to overdo the size. To get it right, think about the words that people naturally use to do a search. Semantic Ex.: Find out all about website optimizations Another Business Email List way to get around exact matching is by using synonyms for the keyword .
In this way, the anchor text adds semantic value and helps the search engine to be more precise about the subject of the page. This is Business Email List especially useful when the anchor text uses ambiguous terms. For example, the word "memory" can refer to different topics. But if the intention is to talk about computers, the use of the synonym "RAM" Business Email List helps Google to better understand its semantic field. Generic Ex.: Find out all about SEO: click here Expressions like "click here", "find out more", "learn more", etc. they are Business Email List classified as generic anchor text. After all, they can be used with any type of link.